The Truth Will Set You Free, Sort-of

The truth will set you free! At least that is what the liar John from the bible told us! It seems that in 2022, the harsh reality is that very few-I don't want to say "none of us" since I am a lawyer and don't like absolute statements-of us are in any position to even begin to be any type of authority on "truth"

In other words, "truth"  or "truths," unlike objective "facts," are mostly time, space, and most importantly, perception based.  In other words, we can all experience the same "factual" event and have a different "truth" about said event. The most troubling thing is that we will all think our "truth" is THE truth.

So how does it relate to being “free”?

Although speaking our truth may seem freeing, it actually makes most of us a prisoner. Indeed, we become a prisoner to the self, our biases, our blindspots, etc. It is only through the examining of self-made "prison" that we do, in fact, become free.

Most of us ain’t interested in being free, tho’.


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