All About Perspective: I Know You Saw More Teslas Immediately After You Drove Off The Lot, But…

As I’m getting older, I’m becoming increasingly aware of the huge impact of perspective. For example, when you buy a new car, you start noticing it everywhere. But that didn’t change the fact that there were no more Teslas on the road that day than the day before.

Now, if you go about your life expecting to find problems, racism, and sexism everywhere, that is exactly what you will come across. I’m not saying these issues don’t exist, but it is all about perspective. Maybe it’s a “privilege” to be in a position to choose not to focus on those social ills, but let me ask you this, is it better for us to focus on and put our energy into recognizing the things that bring us delight and help us reach our life goals more so than the social ills of the world especially those that we cannot control? I mean, as far as we know, this is our only life — so it is worth considering or not. I mean, it is your life.


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